Humans need
resilience training

There are many things in life that cause us pain. Relationships, acts of nature, or other unexpected life situations that leave us reeling. It's sometimes hard to believe that you can actually manage the situation. Maybe you have never had to encounter this kind of situation, maybe you have had to deal with it way too many times. Regardless, it's important to know that you can. You CAN. You CAN. Sometimes you just don't know how. 

What IS involved in the Personal Growth Program through Resilience in Mind?


Our Personal Growth Program starts with understanding where you are currently. There are 7 questionnaires that will help you understand how you are doing. The scores are calculated immediately and you can track these scores over time. 

Educational Videos

Videos are powerful. Learning about how to change your thoughts and reactions to stressors is the key component to this program. We are continuing to create videos to address the ongoing needs of the program users. Please let us know your thoughts on our current selection as well as ideas for future training videos. 

Coping Skills

Each video provides a new and unique coping skills that you can use immediately. Having a "coping skills tool belt" will help you manage stressors in life as they arise. This, in effect, increases your resilience. Practicing these daily makes you an expert in you! 

Event Tracking

We have implemented a way for you to track different difficult events that may feel like setbacks to you in your recovery. This will trigger re-assessment so that you can track how you are progressing. 

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